​I spent the first 17 years of my working life in the same Primary school, starting as a full-time class teacher, and becoming a SENDCo in 2007. I achieved the SENDCo award in 2014. During this time I helped to support many children and families navigate the mainstream education system and get support in place to help them thrive and achieve their potential. Despite this, I felt a high level of frustration that I couldn’t help some children due to the constraints of the system.
Since joining Esteem Team in 2021, I have learnt so much more about neurodiversity and been able to put my personal and professional knowledge to use in this incredible setting. During my time here I have worked as part of the Family Support Team, been a mentor, enabler, teacher and used my previous experience as a SENDCO to support families and children in my community.
I love the flexibility and creativity that I can bring to Esteem Team and that I can support children and young people wherever they may be in their journey.
I have two children of my own and when I’m not working, I love to spend time outdoors with my family. I love reading, baking, walking, taking photos and spending time with friends. I also love to sing.